Northeast Power is committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees. Over the years we have worked hard to develop a culture focused on safety. In 2019, we launched Commitment to Zero Incidents, based on NRECA's Commitment to Zero Contacts program. The program is designed to provide every level of leadership within electric cooperatives with ideas and resources to help eliminate serious injuries and fatalities and enhance safety programs. Our commitment to safety goes beyond that of protecting our employees. We're also dedicated to providing safety information to the public.

In 2018, Northeast Power partnered with its member-distribution cooperatives to provide additional awareness of the danger of power lines. Resources continue to be developed to assist member-distribution cooperatives in providing education to their members and to the general public regarding power line safety.
Northeast Power is proud to partner with Member-Distribution Cooperatives to bring safety demonstrations to our schools and communities. By providing both live-line and table-top demonstrations, audiences can include elementary through high school students, fire, rescue and EMT teams, employee safety meetings and community events. Please visit Energizing Safety to learn more. To schedule a demonstration please contact your local electric cooperative.